Newsletter 14.6.2024

14th June 2024

Dear Parents and Carers of St Cuthbert’s,

The Wizard of Oz

We will be watching a live production of The Wizard of Oz on Friday 28 June. To celebrate the day and participate in the performance, children can wear either their own clothes or dress up as a character from The Wizard of Oz. Please do not feel the need to spend any money on expensive costumes.

St Cuthbert’s 70th Birthday Celebration Day Friday 5 July 2024

Happy birthday to St Cuthbert’s!

We will be having a full programme of celebration events for the children during Friday 5 July marking the 70th birthday of our amazing school this academic year. As part of the day, we will be having a whole school picnic with a free picnic lunch for all of the children. Please contact the school office on: 0191 2860129 if you do NOT want your child to have the free picnic lunch and you will be providing your child with a packed lunch from home on that day.

Summer Diary and Fundraisers at St Cuthbert’s  

We will be hosting a few fundraising events alongside our PTFA in the run up to the summer holidays. Please do your utmost to donate any spare items you may have, as requested below, and, more importantly, please try and attend if you are free. A lot of the funds raised hosting these types of events goes towards paying for school trips and other activities which we wouldn’t be able to afford otherwise.

Sports Day Monday 1 July

Sports Day for Reception and Key Stage 1 will be on the morning of Monday 1 July from 9.00am and for Key Stage 2 on the afternoon of the same day beginning at 2.00pm. Families are welcome to come and join us.

There will be light refreshments on sale.

St Cuthbert’s Summer Fair Friday 5 July from 3pm

We are hosting our Summer Fair on Friday 5 July from 3pm. This event is always well attended by our school community. There will be lots of refreshments on sale and a range of games and activities for both you and your child to enjoy.

If you have any items to donate for the summer fair, for example: toiletries, games, sweets, chocolates, bottles or any other suitable items, please send them into school with your child over the next couple of weeks and before Monday 1 July. Thank you.

If you are attending any events in school, please bring as much loose change as you can to pay for any items. Thank you.

No Gifts into School

This is just a polite reminder that, as part of our Poverty Proofing Policy, we do not accept any gifts for staff into school. Please note, we also do not accept the exchanging of any gifts between our Reception and Year 6 Buddies on school premises. Thank you for your continued support with this policy.

If you wish to discuss any item in this letter or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact school.

Best wishes,

Mrs Anne Bullerwell

Executive Headteacher

St Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School is part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number No 7841435.

Registered Office: Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9YH