Newsletter 24.5.2024

24th May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers of St Cuthbert’s,

We have made a concerted effort over the last couple of years to host more events in school which our families can attend and enjoy with their children. Please see below more information we have re: upcoming events during the rest of this term. We know everyone is incredibly busy but please do your utmost best to attend.

D-Day Thursday 6 June

As you know, D-Day (or the Normandy Landings) took place during World War II, when approximately 156,000 Allied troops (made up of British, Canadian and American soldiers) landed on 5 beaches in Normandy, France. One of the largest invasions in military history, D-Day marked the beginning of the end of World War II. This is an important celebration in our history and as such, we are marking it in school with an assembly for the children led by Mr Bright and our Heritage Heroes and a special D-Day Lunch on the day. Please see the menu for the D-Day Lunch on our News section.

St Cuthbert’s Book Day Friday 7 June

St Cuthbert’s Book Day Book Swap was a huge success last year so we are running it again this year. This is a family event where you can browse the books we have on sale with your child/children, choose a book(s) at your leisure and then get yourself some light refreshments and enjoy your new purchases alongside your child/children.

Books will be on sale for either 50p or £1.00.

Light refreshments will be on sale – a biscuit and a drink for £1.00

Please arrive at school at your usual drop off point with your child/children where a member of staff will greet you and direct you to the halls where we will be hosting the event. Parents/carers will be leaving from the main office area at the end.

Please send any book donations into school from Monday 3 June. Please do your utmost to attend the book sale on the day. This is a lovely opportunity for you to spend some time, if you’re able, with your child/children in school.

Any monies made will be going into our School Fund.

As always, children are invited to dress as characters from their favourite books or come into school in their pyjamas as if ready for a bedtime story. This can include face paints but please ensure these are washable and removed by return to school on Monday 10 June. Please do not feel under pressure to buy any expensive costumes.

Careers’ Week 1 July – 5 July

Just a reminder that we are asking for any parents/carers to come into school anytime this week to talk about their jobs/careers to the children of St Cuthbert’s. We will be sending out a survey after half term to find out who is willing and available to come and join us that week.

Sports Day Monday 1 July

We will be running Sports Day for Reception and Key Stage 1 on the morning of Monday 1 July from 9.00am and for Key Stage 2 on the afternoon of the same day beginning at 2.00pm. Families are welcome. More information to follow.


St Cuthbert’s Celebration Day and Summer Fair Friday 5 July

St Cuthbert’s is 70 years old this academic year and we are planning a celebration day in school for the children on Friday 5 July. We are also hosting our Summer Fair on this day from 3pm which all of our families are welcome to join.  If you have any items to donate for the summer fair, for example: toiletries, games, sweets, chocolates, bottles or any other suitable item, please send them into school with your child after half term. Please make a note of this day in your diary. More information to follow.

Dates for your diary

We have a very busy half term ahead of us after the break next week. Please consult the Dates for your diary which has been updated to include July and our school website for events and activities going on in school which involve your children and to which you are invited.

If you wish to discuss any item in this letter or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact school.

Have a wonderful half-term with your families.

Best wishes,

Mrs Anne Bullerwell

Executive Headteacher

St Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School is part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number No 7841435.

Registered Office: Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9YH