Our Delivery

At St. Cuthbert’s, we are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all, especially for refugees and asylum seekers. Our School of Sanctuary Action Plan outlines the steps we are taking to foster a culture of welcome, understanding, and belonging.

 Language Support and Resources

  • Introduce language support sessions with dedicated staff.
  • Employ technology to support language learning, such as interpreting apps and language learning tools (e.g., ‘Mantra Lingua’ & ‘Duolingo’).
  • Provide dual language books to support children and families.
  • Signpost to further language learning support.
  • Ensure multi-lingual welcome displays are in all classrooms.
  • Offer support in finding workshops and English classes for parents and community members.

Cultural Integration and Awareness

  • Organize cultural events throughout the year to celebrate diversity.
  • Have cultural awareness weeks, including learning about different religions such as Islam and Judaism, with guest speakers and visits to religious settings.
  • Integrate diversity into the curriculum, including lessons on minority ethnic groups and local heritage.

Support and Collaboration

  • Explore opportunities to collaborate with local refugee support organizations (WERS, NERS) for joint events and resource sharing.
  • Provide contact information of organizations that support children and families with EAL, including refugee and asylum support organizations.
  • Offer leaflets in different languages for families from the EU wishing to apply for Settled Status, with help and drop-in information sessions.

Social Integration

  • Buddy up newly arrived pupils with classmates to help them integrate into school life and feel welcomed.
  • Encourage involvement from parents and families in cultural and language learning events.

Visual and Practical Support

  • Display photos of staff in classrooms to create a familiar and welcoming environment.
  • Use visual timetables in all classes to aid understanding.
  • Provide translated materials and intervention support to boost vocabulary and communication as needed.

Monitoring and Assessment

  • Closely monitor the progress of EAL pupils in the curriculum and their acquisition of English.
  • Use EAL assessment materials to track individual progress and inform support plans.
  • Maintain up-to-date records of EAL pupils, categorized by levels of English language proficiency.
  • Complete and review Person-Centred Plans (PCPs) for EAL pupils with lower levels of English proficiency on a termly basis.

Professional Development

  • Ensure staff receive CPD (Continuing Professional Development) training on supporting EAL pupils in the classroom.
  • Collaborate with other schools and agencies to improve provision and practice within our school.

Community and Family Engagement

  • Language of the Month: Celebrate and learn about a different language each month, encouraging parental and family involvement.
  • Signpost parents to English lessons through the local authority to enhance their language skills.


By implementing these actions, St. Cuthbert’s aims to ensure that all pupils and their families feel valued, respected, and fully integrated into our school community. We believe in the power of education to transform lives and are dedicated to supporting every member of our diverse community.

St Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School is part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number No 7841435.

Registered Office: Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9YH